Governance Key Documents
If you would like to see a list of Bowness Local Governors see below link.
Bowness Local Governing Board
In this section you can find out all about how our Governance is structured for Bowness. The Local Governing Body of Bowness Primary School meets three times a year.
Bowness is part of Prestolee Multi Academy Trust since December 2015.
Governance is a rapidly changing and responsive part of our School Trust. It is integral to the success of the Trust and the School.
We are currently reviewing how we collect diversity data for governors and trustees, and this will be updated shortly.
Categories of Governor
Parent Governors:
If you are a parent of a pupil(s) at the school or the primary carer, you can stand for election as one of the Parent Governor positions, (once a Parent Governor post becomes vacant). If more than one parent expresses an interest in filling a vacancy, elections are held in which all parents can vote.
Co – opted Governors:
A Co – opted Governor is a person who in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Staff Governor:
A member of staff paid to work at the school and elected by the staff.
A member of the Governing Body by virtue of their office. If the Headteacher elects not to be a Governor then his/her place cannot be taken by anyone else.
Current School Year Register of Business Interests and Attendance: