Mental Health & Wellbeing
At Bowness Primary School, we are committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional well-being to all students, their families and members of staff and governors. Our open culture allows students’ voices to be heard, and through the use of effective policies and procedures, we ensure a safe and supportive environment for all affected - both directly and indirectly - by mental health issues.
We promote a mentally healthy environment through;
- Promoting positive mental health and emotional well-being in all staff and students.
- Increasing understanding and awareness of common mental health issues.
- Enabling staff to identify and respond to early warning signs of mental ill health in students.
- Enabling staff to understand how and when to access support when working with young people with mental health issues.
- Providing the right support to students with mental health issues, and knowing where to signpost them and their parents/carers for specific support.
- Developing resilience amongst students and raising awareness of resilience-building techniques.
- Raising awareness amongst staff and gaining recognition from SLT that staff may have mental health issues, and that they are supported in relation to looking after their well-being
- instilling a culture of staff and student welfare where everyone is aware of signs and symptoms with effective signposting underpinned by behaviour and welfare around the school.
Sources of support at school and in the local community;
School Based Support
- Pastoral Care for all pupils
- 1:1 counselling for identified pupils
- Nurture group interventions for identified pupils
- A well designed PSHE and well-being curriculum
- Support from identified pupils from Thrive Education
- Support from Mental Health Champion and Senior Mental Health Lead
- Wellbeing club for targeted intervention
- Wellbeing support and signposting for parents
- Support of referrals for children to CAMHs
Local Support In Bolton
There are a range of organisations and groups offering support, including the CAMHS partnership, a group of providers specialising in children and young people’s mental health well-being. These partners deliver accessible support to children, young people and their families, whilst working with professionals to reduce the range of mental health issues through prevention, intervention, training and participation.
Our Mental Health & Wellbeing Offer
Medical Information
If your child is away from school for any reason, please telephone the school as soon as possible. Any absence not explained is recorded as ‘unauthorised’. Registers are completed as soon as the children come into school and any child not present when the register is taken will be marked absent. If children arrive late they need to go to the school office to let the office staff know they have arrived. Their absent mark will then be changed to a late mark.
When should my child return to school?
Please click on the link for Public Health England.
Management of Headlice
Headlice are extremely common in close-knit environments such as schools.
First Aid in School
We have a number of staff qualified to undertake first aid. Where your child has been treated by a first aider you will receive a slip or a phone call giving details of the incident and the treatment to ensure you are informed should further treatment become necessary.
Where a child requires emergency treatment this will be sought by the staff ‘in loco parentis’ and the parents will be contacted.
Medication in School
If your child requires medication during school time please complete a Medicine Consent Form and hand to the school office along with the medication.
We can not accept medicine without a prescription label and it must be handed in at the office not brought in by the child. If the medication needs to go home at the end of the day please ensure that an adult collects it from the office.