Meet the Governors
Meet The Governors
Bowness Local Governing Board
Miss Nicole Devlin- Chair (Appointed Governor)
Mrs Simone Fay Patterson- Vice Chair (Parent Governor)
Mr Paul Hestford (Teaching Staff Governor)
Mrs Krystyna Forster (Head of School Governor)
Mr John Kell (Appointed Governor)
Mrs Crystal Iddon (Parent Governor)
Clerk to the Governing Board: Mrs.Samantha Macdiarmid
Prestolee Multi Academy Trust
Bill Barclay: Appointed 16/01/17
Sheryl Farnworth: Appointed 26/01/17
Stuart Fox: Appointed 20/01/20
Kelly Macadam: Appointed 01/07/19
Scott Patton: Appointed 01/07/19
Terms of Office of Trustees
Lisa Gartside Term of Office 08/02/2021 - 07/02/2025
Andrew Sargeant Term of Office 07/02/2022 - 06/02/2026
Paul Heath Term of Office 18/07/2022 - 17/07/2026
Emlyn Wright Term of Office 27/03/2023 - 26/03/2027
Trust Leadership:
Michael Tonge Chief Executive Officer
Rebecca Dunne Deputy CEO
Michael Govier Chief Financial Officer
Krystyna Forster Head of School Bowness
Damian Harris Exec Head Waterloo / Head of School Fiddlers Lane
Stephen Holden Exec Head Bowness/Tottington
Alex Keane Head of School Prestolee / Exec Head of Barton Moss
Lynsey Smith Head of SCITT
Deborah Taylor Head of School Tottington
Victoria Unsworth Headteacher of Mesne Lea Primary
Claire Woolley Head of School at Barton Moss
Helen Turner Head of School at Waterloo Primary
Gill Thornicroft Headteacher of Springside Primary