Online Safety
Online safety is a term which means not only the internet but other ways in which young people communicate using electronic media, e.g. laptops, tablets, mobile phones and games consoles. It means ensuring that children and young people are protected from harm and supported to achieve the maximum benefit from new and developing technologies without risk to themselves or others.
The aim of promoting online safety is to protect young people from the adverse consequences of access or use of electronic media.
Online safety is taught at school through assemblies, class discussions and online resources, which have been carefully chosen to be appropriate for the year group. Online safety lessons are part of our computing curriculum and are considered to be important to keep our children safe.
We would like to strongly encourage parents to also discuss online safety issues at home and hope that the following resources are helpful.
Parent Zone
As a parent/carer it is important to ensure our children are protected from seeing or doing things online that are unsuitable for them or inappropriate for their age. Only by learning what our children do and see in digital spaces can we truly begin to understand the risks online worlds present. Following are some tips on how to help keep your child safe online.
- Try and control what kids find online through search engines.
- Manage your child's playtime and take charge of what your kids can access.
- Use parental controls across all of the devices that your children have access to.
- Do not leave account details, credit card details and passwords available for children to access easily.
- Make social networking safer - review privacy settings for your piece of mind.
- Discuss stranger danger, cyber bullying and teach your child how to keeping their personal information safe.
- Report online concerns and educate one another on how to report anything abusive, inappropriate or illegal online.
- Talk to one another about all of the above and develop a family IT policy.
Here are few useful websites for parents and adults to support in making the internet a safe place to learn, explore and broaden horizons:
Covid-19: Support for parents and carers to keep children safe online
During the school closures children are going to be spending a lot of extra time online. We want to help you to keep your children safe at all times. It is really important that we think about online safety even more than usual. There are lots of ways you can keep your children safe online and we will continue to tweet support for parents.
Remember it can happen to you and your child. You must take care and the message can not be repeated enough times- Keep safe online.
Don't forget some simple rules to keep your child safe online.